Make it simple

but significant


made visible

Accessible design

is good design








We are a multi-disciplinary design company in India.

DesignOmark is a Gurgaon based multi-disciplinary design studio, offering a full range of Digital Marketing, Web Development, Design services ranging from Digital design to Product Design.

Best Design Team. DesignOmark

We are a team of young and enthusiastic designers working together in fields like product design, graphic design, UI/UX, packaging design, branding, marketing and web development. We work in synergy, putting people our priority while creating ideas and turning them into reality.

Best Design Company in India.

We take care of all your branding needs. Started by highly enthusiastic and passionate designers to deliver the best design and marketing solutions around the world.


Years of

Over 100+ Projects completed



DesignOmark portfolio images. Branding, Product Designing, Video  Creation, Social Media Posts, Graphic Designing, UI/UX Design.












Design is thinking made visual. A great idea is not that great until put into visual design in fact a picture is worth a thousand words. We offer a full range of Digital Marketing, Web Development, Design services ranging from Digital design to Product Design to take care of all your branding needs.

web design - ADV - graphic design -

web design - ADV - graphic design

exhibition design - packaging design -brand design

- exhibition design - packaging design -brand design

brand identity - media production - photography -

brand identity - media production - photography














Art Direction


Interaction Design

Creative Direction





Web Development


Art Direction



Creative Direction



Branding is the process of creating a unique name and image for a product in the user mind. Branding aims to establish a significant and differentiated presence in the market that attracts and gain loyal customers.

Brand identity
Just like every person, brand has its own identity. It is what your brand is all about, your values, what other thinks of your company and your way of communication to the customer.

Brand elements
It carries a few things that actually helps in creating a brand. A logo, color, font, mascot, are the outer elements of a brand, but the elements like values and characteristic is the core. Combination of all these makes a brand strong. Brand name Think of a name that is easy, unique, short, and memorable. Afterall it’s the name that people will remember.

Brand logo
This can be an image, shape, or series of letters. It is a visual representation of your brand. It has the ability to convey the message, personality, and the core value of your brand to the customers. It has to be simple, unique and memorable.

Brand font
Fonts have the ability to speak about your brand, whether it is a text or typography. Right selection of font can express about your brand more easily. Brand color Color plays an essential role when it comes to brand’s image. colors have a lot of meaning which are important to consider when it comes to a particular brand. Minimum use of colors helps in keeping things simple.

Brand values
Brand value is the essential element. While the logo, color, font, are the stem of your brand, your core value is the root. Your values could be your beliefs, your integrity. identifying your core values helps in creating a successful brand.



Product design
Have you ever notice how easily you turn on the switch of your room, or how easily you solve your hairs with comb. If you did, you must know there is a reason behind that. They are the product which has been designed in such a way so that you don’t have to use too much logic about how to operate them and that’s called the power of design.
Design is about ability, “THE ABILITY TO OBSERVE”.
You may not have noticed the shape of the chair on which you sit daily, or may be the water bottle which quench your thrust all over the day and it fits in your hand perfectly as well. This is because the chair and the water bottle is the example of good design. If there were any flaw even the minor one, it would have created trouble for you. For example: may be the chair would have caused you back pain, or may be the water bottle would have trickled you. But it didn’t. Bad designs are easy to notice where as Good designs merge in our daily life in such a way that we hardly notice and compliment them and when this happens, the designer behind the product gets his credit.

The aim of product designer is to make life easy for people. It is public oriented job, designers look for the problems and create solutions. A designer needs to be imaginative creative, emotional as well as practical.
Well, it’s a journey more about experiments and less about theories. It starts from finding out the problem and then looking for solution which includes some important steps as well like imagination, creativity and experiments.



UI/UX design
Let’s say you forgot your phone somewhere, so you borrowed a phone to make an urgent call. But as you switch on the phone, you are blank, you have no clue how to use it, you can neither see any button nor any symbol or icon to guide you. Then what would you do to make call? Now if I ask you about your experience, what would you say? Well, that is UI/UX all about.

UI (user interface)
"UI" stands for user interface, it deals with visual aspects, how the person interacted with the product or design, was it easy for him to operate the product, how much familiar he become with it. A UI designer tries to simplify the product, so that a person can easily find it. It applies everywhere in product design, on digital platform like website design or anything you interact with. In terms of website design, to make it easy for the user, designer focuses on certain aspects like font, navigation, layout, simplicity, images. The main purpose of the ui designer is to create intuitive experience, that it doesn’t require user to think too much, about website or product.

UX (User Experience)
UX refers to the interaction between user and the product or the service. It could be anything that can be experienced, a website or may be any product. A UX designer thinks about the how the experience makes the user freeland how easy it is for the user to accomplish the desire task. The aim of UX designer is to make easy, and pleasant experience for the user.



Web design
Web design is the process of designing a website through proper aesthetic and considering the factors like its functioning, layout, user interface, visual elements, in order to make it visually appealing and easy to use. It is basically an online shop through which you can provide your service or sell your products anywhere. It is said to be the core of online marketing. Your website needs to be well organized because a good website can easily turn visitors into customers. It takes around 10 to 15 seconds for a visitor to leave the website if they couldn’t understand the functioning of the website. So, before designing a website you need to consider certain principles like layout, color scheme, font, navigation, hierarchy.

Layout Layout
simply means presentation, and while presenting anything it has to be well arranged. In terms of web design layout refers to proper orientation of all the visual elements in a specific way so that it can be helpful for you in attracting targeted audience. for making a proper layout you just need to arrange all the visual elements in a specific way so that they look appealing.

Color scheme
Color is one of the dominant factors while designing a website. Colors need to be appealing and soothing. You have to choose the color which can create harmony and can make the visitor feel a sense of comfort and trust. Font Select the font that is appealing and supporting overall design. Your selective font needs to be one with your colors, graphics and images.

Navigation helps in directing the visitor what they are looking for without unnecessary clicks. It makes the path for user to get to the places like contact information or may be product related stuff.

It simply means creating a relationship between all your visual elements. Hierarchy can be easily obtained by collecting similar visual elements and organizing them into a meaningful pattern.



Digital marketing
It is basically a sub type of marketing, you can call it online marketing, internet advertising, which helps you in connecting with your potential consumers. Through digital marketing you can make your reach up to almost everyone who uses internet. Blogging, content marketing, search engine optimization, social media marketing, google AdWords, app marketing, you tube marketing, email marketing are some great examples of digital marketing. Digital marketing is also way less expensive than offline marketing and gives better results as compared to that.

Blog made by combining web and log, an awesome platform with a purpose of connecting you to the relevant audience where you can write your thoughts, share your ideas, knowledge, can give reviews to any products or you can promote your products as well. For some people it is like an open diary where they share their thoughts with other people, for some it an awesome platform for promoting their products. It is one of the best assets of digital marketing.

Content marketing
Content marketing creates content, for your targeted online audience. Here you can create free valuable content which may help you to convert your audience into potential consumers. It is one of the best ways used by brands and companies to build a trustworthy relationship with the audience. But you need to be very specific in writing your content, like you have to talk about your product in such a way that it can convince the audience. People usually says “content is the king”. Well, that’s right, content plays a very important role in targeting right audience. strong content promotes your product and service in very effective way, whereas week content does the opposite.

Search engine optimization
Let’s say you type a keyword in any search engine and you get numerous results hundreds of websites having results according to your keyword. Well you would probably seek the result in top ten what helped those websites in getting into the list of top ten? Well, they took the help of search engine optimization (SEO). SEO helps website in reaching in top results in search engine according to the keyword search of the person.

Social media marketing
Social media marketing is a tool that helps brands and companies to advertise their product on a social media platform like Facebook Instagram LinkedIn etc. you can easily promote your product or service through images, videos, texts etc. You don’t need to spend too much money to promote your products, what would be better than this place where you can tell people about your product or service in the easiest way possible without spending too money.

Google Ads
Whenever you search something on google, on first page you get top results related to your search, those results are called organic results and they are basically unpaid. But, above all those results there is another list of results related to your search which you must have noticed but may be never bothered about. Well, they are paid results shown by Google Ads. Google ads is basically an advertising service created by google which helps brands and companies to run their ads on google. They are paid results because companies pay to google to run their ads on the search results related to the keyword. Companies make sure that they are using appropriate words so that whenever somebody searches related to their product it appear quickly


Branding is the process of creating a unique name and image for a product in the user mind. Branding aims to establish a significant and differentiated presence in the market that attracts and gain loyal customers.

Brand identity
Just like every person, brand has its own identity. It is what your brand is all about, your values, what other thinks of your company and your way of communication to the customer.

Brand elements
It carries a few things that actually helps in creating a brand. A logo, color, font, mascot, are the outer elements of a brand, but the elements like values and characteristic is the core. Combination of all these makes a brand strong. Brand name Think of a name that is easy, unique, short, and memorable. Afterall it’s the name that people will remember.

Brand logo
This can be an image, shape, or series of letters. It is a visual representation of your brand. It has the ability to convey the message, personality, and the core value of your brand to the customers. It has to be simple, unique and memorable.

Brand font
Fonts have the ability to speak about your brand, whether it is a text or typography. Right selection of font can express about your brand more easily. Brand color Color plays an essential role when it comes to brand’s image. colors have a lot of meaning which are important to consider when it comes to a particular brand. Minimum use of colors helps in keeping things simple.

Brand values
Brand value is the essential element. While the logo, color, font, are the stem of your brand, your core value is the root. Your values could be your beliefs, your integrity. identifying your core values helps in creating a successful brand.



Product design
Have you ever notice how easily you turn on the switch of your room, or how easily you solve your hairs with comb. If you did, you must know there is a reason behind that. They are the product which has been designed in such a way so that you don’t have to use too much logic about how to operate them and that’s called the power of design.
Design is about ability, “THE ABILITY TO OBSERVE”.
You may not have noticed the shape of the chair on which you sit daily, or may be the water bottle which quench your thrust all over the day and it fits in your hand perfectly as well. This is because the chair and the water bottle is the example of good design. If there were any flaw even the minor one, it would have created trouble for you. For example: may be the chair would have caused you back pain, or may be the water bottle would have trickled you. But it didn’t. Bad designs are easy to notice where as Good designs merge in our daily life in such a way that we hardly notice and compliment them and when this happens, the designer behind the product gets his credit.

The aim of product designer is to make life easy for people. It is public oriented job, designers look for the problems and create solutions. A designer needs to be imaginative creative, emotional as well as practical.
Well, it’s a journey more about experiments and less about theories. It starts from finding out the problem and then looking for solution which includes some important steps as well like imagination, creativity and experiments.



UI/UX design
Let’s say you forgot your phone somewhere, so you borrowed a phone to make an urgent call. But as you switch on the phone, you are blank, you have no clue how to use it, you can neither see any button nor any symbol or icon to guide you. Then what would you do to make call? Now if I ask you about your experience, what would you say? Well, that is UI/UX all about.

UI (user interface)
"UI" stands for user interface, it deals with visual aspects, how the person interacted with the product or design, was it easy for him to operate the product, how much familiar he become with it. A UI designer tries to simplify the product, so that a person can easily find it. It applies everywhere in product design, on digital platform like website design or anything you interact with. In terms of website design, to make it easy for the user, designer focuses on certain aspects like font, navigation, layout, simplicity, images. The main purpose of the ui designer is to create intuitive experience, that it doesn’t require user to think too much, about website or product.

UX (User Experience)
UX refers to the interaction between user and the product or the service. It could be anything that can be experienced, a website or may be any product. A UX designer thinks about the how the experience makes the user freeland how easy it is for the user to accomplish the desire task. The aim of UX designer is to make easy, and pleasant experience for the user.



Web design
Web design is the process of designing a website through proper aesthetic and considering the factors like its functioning, layout, user interface, visual elements, in order to make it visually appealing and easy to use. It is basically an online shop through which you can provide your service or sell your products anywhere. It is said to be the core of online marketing. Your website needs to be well organized because a good website can easily turn visitors into customers. It takes around 10 to 15 seconds for a visitor to leave the website if they couldn’t understand the functioning of the website. So, before designing a website you need to consider certain principles like layout, color scheme, font, navigation, hierarchy.

Layout Layout
simply means presentation, and while presenting anything it has to be well arranged. In terms of web design layout refers to proper orientation of all the visual elements in a specific way so that it can be helpful for you in attracting targeted audience. for making a proper layout you just need to arrange all the visual elements in a specific way so that they look appealing.

Color scheme
Color is one of the dominant factors while designing a website. Colors need to be appealing and soothing. You have to choose the color which can create harmony and can make the visitor feel a sense of comfort and trust. Font Select the font that is appealing and supporting overall design. Your selective font needs to be one with your colors, graphics and images.

Navigation helps in directing the visitor what they are looking for without unnecessary clicks. It makes the path for user to get to the places like contact information or may be product related stuff.

It simply means creating a relationship between all your visual elements. Hierarchy can be easily obtained by collecting similar visual elements and organizing them into a meaningful pattern.



Digital marketing
It is basically a sub type of marketing, you can call it online marketing, internet advertising, which helps you in connecting with your potential consumers. Through digital marketing you can make your reach up to almost everyone who uses internet. Blogging, content marketing, search engine optimization, social media marketing, google AdWords, app marketing, you tube marketing, email marketing are some great examples of digital marketing. Digital marketing is also way less expensive than offline marketing and gives better results as compared to that.

Blog made by combining web and log, an awesome platform with a purpose of connecting you to the relevant audience where you can write your thoughts, share your ideas, knowledge, can give reviews to any products or you can promote your products as well. For some people it is like an open diary where they share their thoughts with other people, for some it an awesome platform for promoting their products. It is one of the best assets of digital marketing.

Content marketing
Content marketing creates content, for your targeted online audience. Here you can create free valuable content which may help you to convert your audience into potential consumers. It is one of the best ways used by brands and companies to build a trustworthy relationship with the audience. But you need to be very specific in writing your content, like you have to talk about your product in such a way that it can convince the audience. People usually says “content is the king”. Well, that’s right, content plays a very important role in targeting right audience. strong content promotes your product and service in very effective way, whereas week content does the opposite.

Search engine optimization
Let’s say you type a keyword in any search engine and you get numerous results hundreds of websites having results according to your keyword. Well you would probably seek the result in top ten what helped those websites in getting into the list of top ten? Well, they took the help of search engine optimization (SEO). SEO helps website in reaching in top results in search engine according to the keyword search of the person.

Social media marketing
Social media marketing is a tool that helps brands and companies to advertise their product on a social media platform like Facebook Instagram LinkedIn etc. you can easily promote your product or service through images, videos, texts etc. You don’t need to spend too much money to promote your products, what would be better than this place where you can tell people about your product or service in the easiest way possible without spending too money.

Google Ads
Whenever you search something on google, on first page you get top results related to your search, those results are called organic results and they are basically unpaid. But, above all those results there is another list of results related to your search which you must have noticed but may be never bothered about. Well, they are paid results shown by Google Ads. Google ads is basically an advertising service created by google which helps brands and companies to run their ads on google. They are paid results because companies pay to google to run their ads on the search results related to the keyword. Companies make sure that they are using appropriate words so that whenever somebody searches related to their product it appear quickly








Vaibhav S

web designer

Managing Director

prajjwal s

art director

graphic designer

tamanna b

art director

Content creator

vivek r


web designer

rajul g


Software developer

Deepika b


Brand manager

4 Fundamentals of design





The purpose of contrast is to differentiate similar elements from each other. If two elements are not exactly the same, make them different! Contrast can be created in a variety of ways. You can play with color, size, font weight, spacing, distinctive font faces, and so on.

The principle of repetition states that you repeat some aspect of the design throughout the entire artwork. Repeating elements can vary from using the same color or the same font, a particular bullet point or a certain design element.

Beginner designers put text and graphics on the page where there is space for it, often without paying attention to any other elements. This creates anarchy among the elements. To combat that, we must use the principle of alignment.

The principle of proximity states that you group elements together that are related to each other. To obey the rule of proximity, move related objects so that they are close to each other. This way, the whole artwork will be easier to scan through.

4 Fundamentals of design


The purpose of contrast is to differentiate similar elements from each other. If two elements are not exactly the same, make them different!Contrast can be created in a variety of ways. You can play with color, size, font weight, spacing, distinctive font faces, and so on.


The principle of repetition states that you repeat some aspect of the design throughout the entire artwork. Repeating elements can vary from using the same color or the same font, a particular bullet point or a certain design element.


Beginner designers put text and graphics on the page where there is space for it, often without paying attention to any other elements. This creates anarchy among the elements. To combat that, we must use the principle of alignment.


New designers often tend to put elements (texts, graphics, etc.) randomly around the page trying to fill every little piece of empty area. This makes the whole artwork cluttered and the information hard to find. The principle of proximity states that you group elements together that are related to each other. To obey the rule of proximity, move related objects so that they are close to each other. This way, the whole artwork will be easier to scan through.

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